Yellow Cocaine – Yellow Coke Drug.
Firstly, Yellow Cocaine.
Yellow cocaine has been shown in movies as a solid yellow rock form of cocaine, usually available on street corners and for a much good price than cocaine. The reality of what cocaine and crack cocaine look like is somewhat different. There are a number of factors that affect the look or smell of cocaine. Yellow Cocaine
Cocaine is derived from the coca plant, native to South America. The coca plant has to be processed to extract the cocaine from the plant. Usually, solvents or acid are used to remove the cocaine hydrochloride from the leaves.
Cocaine hydrochloride tends to be varying shades of white; but this color can still be different than the cocaine that is sold on the streets. Yellow Cocaine
What Does Cocaine Taste Like?
The taste of cocaine is often described as bitter. The more bitter tasting the cocaine, the more potent the drug. While cocaine powder is not typically consumed in this manner, people will put cocaine in their mouth to check the purity. Specifically, a person will rub cocaine on their gums when checking purity. Yellow Cocaine
Cocaine that has not been cut will typically numb the gum line when a small amount is rubbed across it. Sometimes the cocaine will be cut with a numbing agent, so the result will be the same and the person may have less pure cocaine without knowing it. Yellow Cocaine
Cocaine Drug – Yellow Cocaine.
Because the look of cocaine can vary so much, sometimes a more convenient way to identify cocaine is by the paraphernalia a person will have in their possession. Yellow Cocaine
Cocaine is usually sold in small, resealable plastic bags that are much smaller than the kind available at grocery stores. These baggies are often clear or have little designs all over them. Some alternatives to the baggies include small brown glass jars or corners of bigger plastic bags that are tied off. Yellow Cocaine
A person who snorts the powder form of cocaine will often have cut off straws, razor blades, and a small mirror. There may also be a powdery residue on flat surfaces. Yellow Cocaine
What To Know About Cocaine.
Today, cocaine is a Schedule II drug, which means that it has high potential for abuse but can be administered by a doctor for legitimate medical uses, such as local anesthesia for some eye, ear, and throat surgeries. Dealers often dilute (or “cut”) it with non-psychoactive substances such as cornstarch, talcum powder, flour, or baking soda to increase their profits. Yellow Cocaine
They may also adulterate cocaine with other drugs like procaine (a chemically related local anesthetic) or amphetamine (another psychoactive stimulant).2,3 Some users combine cocaine with heroin. Yellow Cocaine
People abuse two chemical forms of cocaine: the water-soluble hydrochloride salt and the water-insoluble cocaine base (or freebase). Users inject or snort the hydrochloride salt, which is a powder. The base form of cocaine is created by processing the drug with ammonia or sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and water, then heating it to remove the hydrochloride to produce a smokable substance.
What Happen If You Use Cocaine.
All drugs change the way the brain works by changing the way nerve cells communicate. Nerve cells, called neurons, send messages to each other by releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters attach to molecules on neurons called receptors. (Learn more about how neurotransmitters work.) Drugs affect this signaling process.
There are many neurotransmitters, but dopamine is the main one that makes people feel good when they do something they enjoy, like eating a piece of chocolate cake or playing a video game. Normally, dopamine gets recycled back into the cell that released it, thus shutting off the signal. Yellow Cocaine
Stimulants like cocaine prevent the dopamine from being recycled, causing a buildup of the neurotransmitter in the brain. It is this flood of dopamine that reinforces taking cocaine, “training” the brain to repeat the behavior. The drug can cause a feeling of intense pleasure and increased energy. Yellow Cocaine
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